Monday, March 9, 2009


It is time for the March 2009 iPod quiz. This month's questions were found via a Google search, and specifally a website devoted to fostering mentor relationships in the workplace through a simple set of "getting to know you" questions. Without further adieu, the quiz.

1. What do you like most about your job? "Swimsuit Issue" - Sonic Youth
- if only I worked at Sports Illustrated
2. What do you like least about your job? "Hannah & Gabi" - The Lemonheads
- I don't work with a Hannah or a Gabi, but I could probably name a few people to replace them
3. What work activity is most challenging for you? "O Girlfriend" - Weezer
4. What is your favorite work activity? "When the Levee Breaks" - Led Zeppelin
5. What work-related skills are you good at? "Mr. Self Destruct" - Nine Inch Nails
- no comment
6. Work work-related skills would you like to learn more about? "Holier Than Thou" - Metallica
- I guess I am pretty modest
7. If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be? "Daktari" - 10,000 Maniacs
8. When you have a bad day at work, it is usually because... "In The Backseat" - The Arcade Fire
9. When you have leisure time, what do you like to do? "Chasing Ghosts with Alcohol" - Gomez
- um, no comment
10. What other career(s) are you interested in? "Can't Ignore the Train" - 10,000 Maniacs
- a second 10,000 Maniacs song? I swear I don't listen to them that much...
11. Do you take outside lessons or classes of any kind? "European Son" - The Velvet Underground
12. Do you have any pets? "You're the One" - The Black Keys
13. What is your favorite food? "C'Mere" - Interpol
14. What is your favorite place? "Nature Boy" - Primus
15. What is your favorite sport? "Lucky" - Radiohead
16. What is your favorite indoor activity? "The Rolling People" - The Verve
- once again, no comment
17. Who is your favorite friend? "Oh My God, Whatever, Etc" - Ryan Adams
18. Who is your favorite relative? "Nobody Lost, Nobody Found" - Cut Copy
19. Who is your favorite movie star? "Losing My Edge" - LCD Soundsystem
20. Who is your favorite hero/heroine? "So Alive" - Ryan Adams
- I am not going to complain about a second Ryan Adams song
21. Happiness is... "Kiss Kiss" - Yeah Yeah Yeahs
- hard to argue with that one
22. What will be the title of this post? "Genetic" - Sonic Youth
- gotta love the Sonic Youth bookends to this quiz

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